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Im Englischunterricht haben wir uns im vierten Schuljahr mit Halloween beschäftigt:

Nachdem wir viele neue Wörter gelernt und in verschiedenen Satzstrukturen ausprobiert und angewendet haben, haben wir den Anfang der Geschichte "Froggy's Halloween" gehört. Froggy konnte sich einfach nicht entscheiden, als was er sich verkleiden sollte. Hier haben wir natürlich gerne ausgeholfen und uns überlegt, welche Gruselfigur passend wäre.

Dazu hat jedes Kind eine Froggy-Stabpuppe verkleidet. Wir finden, es sind viele kreative Gruselideen umgesetzt worden! Die jeweiligen Stabpuppen haben sich dann selbstverständlich vorgestellt. Unsere Präsentationen haben wir mit den iPads gefilmt und zu einem Video zusammengefügt.

Hier sind ein paar Eindrücke für euch:


"I know, I want to be a vampire. My name is Fritz and I am 78 years old. My friend is a witch. My pet is a bat. I can fly. My favourite food is blood. My favourite word is Boo! I live in a castle. My favourite colour is black. I am so cool! Happy Halloween!"

"I konw, I want to be a vampire because I can chase people. My name is Jackson. I have got a sword. I really like to play hide and seek but I don't like people. My friends are Leila, the zombie and Gucci, the ghost. I can dance very well and I love dancing. I also like to scare people and to bite. My enemy is the skeleton. My favourite colour is black. My pet is a bat."

"I know, I want to be a zombie because zombies are so creepy. My name is Leila and my pet is a black cat. I live in England under a bed. My best friend is Gucci, the ghost. I can scare people and I like to scare Gucci. My brother Fridolin is very ugly. My favourite colour is black. In my hand, I have got a head."

"I know, I want to be a Gucci ghost. Boo! I am the Gucci ghost. I'm very rich. My clothes are white and shine golden. My friend is Leila, she is a zombie. My hobbies are shopping and spending money. My favourite colours are gold and white. I live in a big house with a pool. I have a dog as a pet. Her name is Fluffy, because she is very cute and fluffy. I need more money. My friend Leila has cooked my favourite food. People! Mmmmh, yummy!"

"I konw, I want to be a monster. My name is Fluffy, because I am fluffy. I live in a cave. I have got a pink minipig. I can bite very well. I shout "Boo!", haunt and hide. I am big, spooky and scary. My favourite colour is colorful. My favourite sport is football und my favourite food is pizza. I have got two brothers. Their names are Fridolin and Gustav. Fridolin is blue and Gustav is green, my father is pink and my mother is yellow. My friend is an old witch. Her name is Froggy. My second friend is Dracula. His favourite colour is black."


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